Our Work
We work with communities and partner organisations to promote social justice through inclusion and empowerment. We expect to see the lives of local people improve as we stimulate activities that promote accountability, good governance, human rights and gender equality within our larger theme of economic development
What We Do
We Work Differently, Our current projects include

Why The sisal plant is a solution for the agro-pastoral conflict
The cry of the farmers is so loud and agonising that no one in all of Momo division is left unperturbed.
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Sisal as a means of generating income in Rural Africa
a life fence of sisal plant around every cultivated farmland in Momo in coordination with the Mayors, local authorities, BT partners, farmers and pastoralists.
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Eradication of poverty in our rural Africa
That dominion stars lights dominion divide years for fourth have don't stars is that he earth it first without heaven in place seed it second morning saying.
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